PH | 弱酸性 |
包装 | 桶装 |
产地 | 德国 |
供货地 | 上海 |
类别 | 整平剂 |
种类 | 镀镍中间体 |
品牌 | 巴斯夫 |
种类 | 镀镍添加剂 | 型号 | PS | 类别 | 整平剂 |
执行标准 | 厂家标准 | 主要用途 | 电镀镍之光亮剂,整平剂。 | 品牌 | 巴斯夫 |
BASF 镀镍中间体 PS 柔软剂中间体 中低区走位
Golpanol PS
Chemical nature Sodium propargyl sulphonate
Structural formula HC C–CH2–SO3Na
Molecular formula C3H3O3SNa
Molar mass (DIN 32625) 142 g/mol
Physical form Clear, yellowish or
brownish liquid
Concentration 19.5 – 20.5%
(BASF method, hydrogenation
iodine number)
Density 1.15 –1.25 g/cm3
(DIN 51757, Part 1, 20 °C,
ASTM D 1298)
pH 2.0– 2.5
(ISO 976, 25 °C)
Iodine colour <10
(DIN EN 1557)
The above information is correct at the time of going to press. It does not
necessarily form part of the product specification.
A detailed product specification is available from your local BASF
Solubility Golpanol PS is miscible with water in all proportions.
Storage Golpanol PS has a shelf life of one year in its sealed original packaging,
provided it is stored properly.
Golpanol PS is used to formulate brightener additives employed in the
electroplating industry. It is employed as a top brightener and levelling
agent for electroplated nickel at concentrations of 5 –150 mg/l.
We know of no ill effects that could have resulted from using Golpanol PS
for the purpose for which it is intended and from processing it in
accordance with current practice.
According to the experience we have gained over many years and other
information at our disposal, Golpanol PS does not exert any harmful
effects on health, provided that it is used properly, due attention is given
to the precautions necessary for handling chemicals, and the information
and advice given in our safety data sheet are observed.
一般情况下: 划线价格:划线的价格可能是商品的销售指导价或该商品的曾经展示过的销售价等,并非原价,仅供参考。
未划线价格:未划线的价格是商品在中国站上的销售标价,具体的成交价格根据商品参加活动,或因用户使用优惠券等发生变化**终以订单结算页价格为准。 活动预热状态下: 划线价格:划线的价格是商品在目前活动预热状态下的销售标价,并非原价,具体的成交价可能因用户使用优惠券等发生变化**终以订单结算页价格为准。
未划线价格:未划线的价格可能是商品即将参加活动的活动价,仅供参考,具体活动时的成交价可能因用户使用优惠券等发生变化**终以活动是订单结算页价格为准。 *注:前述说明仅当出现价格比较时有效。若商家单独对划线价格进行说明的,以商家的表述为准。