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上海塑料行业协会成立于1990年2月 。目前为第七届,是以本市塑料及相关企业为主,自愿组成的跨部门、跨地区、跨所有制的非营利行业性社会团体。会长单位系中国石化上海石油化工股份有限公司。现有会员单位188家,涵盖石化、化工、轻工、机电、建材等系统的国有、民营、合资、独资和相关高校、科研院所,覆盖塑料原料、塑料制品、塑料助剂、塑料模具和塑料加工机械等整个塑料产业链。
协会以服务会员单位及业内企业为宗旨,认真落实“服务、协调、维权、自律”的职能。现有服务内容包括:行业技术人员的职称评审、行业名优品牌评选。建有“上海塑料行业改性塑料检测中心”和“上海市进出口公平贸易行业工作站” 等多个平台,为行业技术进步发挥作用。
会 长:陈铭
秘 书 长:陈国康
办公时间:法定工作日周一 ~ 周五 8:30 ~ 16:30
协会公共邮箱:sspi2012@163.com 邮编: 200061
协会网站: www.sspi.com.cn 电话:(86) 21-62985029 传真:(86) 21-52992059
Shanghai Society of Plastic Industry in Brief
Shanghai society of plastic industry ( hereinafter referred to as SSPI ) , established in 1990, is the powerful voice in the China plastic industry with over 188 members across the plastics industry supply chain, including polymer producers and suppliers, additive manufacturers, recyclers, services providers, end users, plastics processors and machinery manufacturers, some famous universities and institutes etc. Also including the consulting division and four branch committees, such as the PVC goods committee; the engineering plastic committee; the plastic packaging committee and the electronic business committee.
Under the guide of Shanghai industrial economic federation, SSPI continues to play a vital role in “service, coordination, protect rights & interests, self-discipline” for its member enterprises and related trade factories. As the plastic industry has been grown and evolved since the opening of China 40 years ago nearly, our SSPI are also grown and suited . We are confident that the strong demand of China’s plastic market and its strong potential will pave a good way for our member enterprises and related insider development.
President of SSPI: Chen Ming
Secretary General: Chen Guokang
Address: Room 215, No.2299, North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai, China
Post code: 200061
Tel. (86) 21-62985029 Fax: (86) 21-52992059
For more information, contact: sspi2012@163.com
Web site: www.sspi.com.cn